A break is a tear or hole in the retina. The retina is a thin layer of nerve tissue that lines the inside wall of the eye like the film in a camera. In the eye, light is focused onto the retina, which “takes the picture” and sends the image to the brain. Because the retina is very thin, breaks may develop and cause retinal detachment with loss of vision. There are two kinds of retinal breaks: holes and tears. Retinal tears cause retinal detachments more often than retinal holes.
Horseshoe-shaped retinal tear as seen in an eye with retinal detachment (Click on image to enlarge)
What are the causes and symptoms?
Retinal breaks are fairly common in near-sighted eyes because near-sightedness is usually due to an elongation of the eye. As the eye enlarges deep in the eye socket, the retina has to stretch over a larger area. This stretching causes the retina to become thinner and may result in tiny round holes. These holes may cause no symptoms and may not cause retinal detachment.
In any eye, near-sighted or not, tears can occur from abnormal pulling on the retina by the vitreous (a clear gel that fills the eye and normally helps to hold the retina in place). Usually due to degeneration from aging, the vitreous gel condenses inside the eye and pulls on the retina. When this happens, patients usually notice the sudden onset of floating spots or “cobwebs”. Sometimes, brief lightning-like flashes of light occur in the side vision. About 10-15% of the time, new floaters and flashes mean a retinal tear has developed. This event places the eye at high risk of blindness from retinal detachment.
How is a retinal break treated?
Not all retinal breaks require treatment. The doctor may recommend observation alone. If a retinal break threatens to cause retinal detachment, the break is usually treated by laser or a freezing probe (cryopexy) to seal the retina to the eye wall at the site of the break. Treatment is NOT aimed at eliminating the flashes and floaters. Flashes usually disappear over a few weeks or months. The floaters gradually fade over many months, but they rarely disappear completely.
Treatment does not always prevent retinal detachment, so the patient should always report the new onset of more floaters or, more importantly, any progressive loss of side-vision or “curtain across the vision.”
Rarely, the central vision may become blurred and distorted due to scar tissue formation from the retinal break. This problem cannot be prevented with laser or cryopexy, though the scar tissue can be removed by surgery if it interferes with vision.
For a telemedicine consultation with Dr Pautler, please send email request to spautler@rvaf.com. We accept Medicare and most insurances in Florida.Please include contact information (including phone number) in the email. We are unable to provide consultation for those living outside the state of Florida with the exception of limited one-time consultations with residents of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, and Washington.
Pneumatic retinopexy is a surgical procedure to repair retinal detachment, close macular holes, treat vitreomacular traction, and displace blood from beneath the center of the retina as occurs in some cases of wet type age-related macular degeneration. A gas bubble that is injected into the eye is used to gently push against the retina to hold it in position. Strict positioning of the head is essential for success.
How is pneumatic retinopexy performed?
Pneumatic retinopexy can be performed in the office or in the operating room of a hospital. An injection of anesthetic around the eye is used to make the procedure pain-free. The eye is treated with an iodine solution in an effort to prevent infection. If there is a retinal break, cryopexy is used to seal the break. Cryopexy is performed by holding a pencil-like probe with a freezing tip against the white of the eye. It may cause a pressure sensation of coldness. Sometimes, laser is also used to seal retinal breaks. In preparation of the gas injection, fluid is removed from the eye with a small needle to make room for the gas bubble. After the gas injection, the eye is patched.
Will I be able to see the gas bubble?
It is normal to see the gas bubble while looking out of the eye. It appears as a black curved line across the vision, a single black ball in the bottom of the visual field, or as many black “fish eggs.” The gas bubble will move in the vision with head and eye movements. Usually, there is very little vision when looking through the gas bubble when it is large. The vision slowly improves as the gas bubble disappears by dissolving in the fluids of the eye over four to six weeks.
How does pneumatic retinopexy work?
Image of retinal detachment (top) and pneumatic retinopexy (bottom).
The gas bubble in the eye floats upward and gently holds the retina in position. Depending on what part of the retina needs support, the head must be kept in proper position. For example, if there is a break in the part of the retina that corresponds to the twelve O’clock position on a clock, then the head must remain upright so that the bubble floats up against the superior part of the retina. Otherwise, the bubble will not provide proper support and the retina will not heal properly and more surgery may be needed.
A retinal detachment is present in the top left-hand side of the photograph.
Intra-ocular gas bubble seen on photograph following pneumatic retinopexy.
How long do I need to stay in position?
You may need to stay in position from a few days to two weeks depending on your surgeon’s recommendations. It is best to attempt to remain in the recommended head position for 90% of the day and night. While in position, you may use your eyes to read or watch TV. A special pillow may be purchased to sleep in a face down position, which is recommended to close a macular hole. For five or ten minutes of every hour or two, you may stop the positioning to rise, stretch, and quietly move about the house to use the bathroom or eat. Until the gas bubble is gone, you should not fly in an airplane or undergo anesthesia using nitrous oxide, as doing so may result in blindness. Keep a MedicAlert band on your wrist until the gas bubble is gone.
How well does pneumatic retinopexy work for retinal detachment?
The PIVOT study compared the results of pneumatic retinopexy versus vitrectomy in the repair of retinal detachment. On average, pneumatic retinopexy resulted in less distortion and an additional line of visual improvement on the eye chart compared with vitrectomy. However, strict positioning is needed for success with pneumatic retinopexy; therefore, the success rate of reattaching the retina with a single procedure was 81% for pneumatic retinopexy compared to 93% with vitrectomy. Additional surgery, when necessary, usually results in successful reattachment.
What are the risks of pneumatic retinopexy?
Although generally a safe procedure, pneumatic retinopexy is not without risks. Adverse effects include pain, bleeding, infection, scarring, glaucoma, cataract, loss of vision, deformity, blindness, and loss of the eye. When pneumatic retinopexy is recommended, the benefits outweigh the risks of surgery.
How do I care for the eye?
Keep the patch on and use no eye drops in the operated eye until the patch has been removed in the office on the first day after surgery. After the office visit you may shower and shampoo your hair being careful not to bump or rub the eye. The eye can be gently dried by patting it with a clean, dry towel. You may be given eye drops and instructions on how to use them. Tylenol (no more than 4,000 mg per day) or Ibuprofen (no more than 2,400 mg per day) may be used if there is pain. Patients with liver disease should be cautious about taking Tylenol, and patients with kidney disease should be cautious about taking ibuprofen. Prescription pain medication is available if needed. It is normal to have some discomfort, but severe pain should be reported to your doctor. It is normal to experience eyelid swelling and bruising. The eye will be red and watery. Sometimes, there is a sensation resembling an eyelash in the eye. After the patch has been removed, this discomfort is best managed with Lacrilube (available in the pharmacy without a prescription), which may be used in the eye as often as needed. After the first office visit following the surgery, an eye patch is not necessary. However, at night a hard shield may be used to cover the eye to protect it from trauma. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office.
For a telemedicine consultation with Dr Pautler, please send email request to spautler@rvaf.com. We accept Medicare and most insurances in Florida.Please include contact information (including phone number) in the email. We are unable to provide consultation for those living outside the state of Florida with the exception of limited one-time consultations with residents of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, and Washington.