What is a retinal artery occlusion?
The retina in your eye is like the film inside a camera. The retina “takes the picture” of objects you look at and sends the message to the brain. The retina is a living tissue, which requires blood supplied by tiny vessels called arteries. If a retinal artery becomes blocked, it is called a retinal artery occlusion.
What causes a retinal artery occlusion?
Usually a blockage occurs from a piece of hardened artery in the neck (carotid artery) which breaks away and flows “down stream” to lodge in a small retinal artery. Hardening of the arteries is due to aging, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and tobacco use. Therefor, patients with retinal artery occlusion are at risk of other complications of hardening of the arteries (e.g. heart attack and stroke).
Abnormal tissue from a heart valve may also be the source of blockage. Rarely, an occlusion may result from blood disorders or inflammation such as giant cell arteritis. Fibromuscular dysplasia is suspected in young patients with retinal artery occlusion. Trauma may cause retinal artery occlusion by dissection of the carotid artery, often associated with neck pain.
What are the symptoms of a retinal artery occlusion?
A sudden, painless loss of vision is common. There may be loss of only the central vision, the side vision, or there may be a dark bar or band above or below the center of vision. The loss of vision may be temporary or permanent.
What treatment is available?
If the blockage is mild, some or all of the vision may return with time. Sometimes it is necessary to help relieve the blockage with eye drops, pills, or an office procedure to lower the pressure in the eye. The blockage may be overcome and the blood flow may resume if the pressure in the eye is decreased quickly. This treatment may bring back some or all of the vision, but sometimes no treatment can bring back any vision. If an underlying medical problem is found, it must be treated.
Your doctor is going to order appropriate tests and recommend the best course of action to take at this time. The retinal artery occlusion will not be worsened by your daily activities or by using your eyes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
What general health issues are there?
Retina artery occlusion usually indicates the need for an urgent general medical evaluation for increased risk of stroke. About 10% to 15% of people who experience retinal artery occlusion will suffer from a stroke within three months. Half of those individuals will have a stroke within 48 hours of having eye symptoms. Those people who survive this initial high-risk period must still be monitored because there is a 40% risk of stroke or heart attack within ten years from the time of retinal artery occlusion. This important health issues are why it is important to undergo regular general medical evaluations and work to minimize factors that worsen hardening of the arteries. Such factors include physical inactivity, overweight, tobacco use, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Where do I go for urgent care?
An urgent MRI brain scan (diffusion-weighted imaging) may be performed at a stroke center such as those available through the emergency room at Adventist Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital, or Tampa General Hospital. The brain scan can identify strokes that may be present without symptoms. Such strokes need to be treated in the hospital to prevent complications of paralysis and death.
Other important studies may also be performed to identify underlying treatable conditions. Blood tests may identify giant cell arteritis, a treatable inflammation of the arteries. A carotid sonogram studies the circulation of major arteries in the neck that lead to the brain and eyes. An ECHO cardiogram may identify an abnormal heart valve or a blood clot in the heart. These findings may be treatable to reduce the risk of future stroke.
For a telemedicine consultation with Dr Pautler, please send email request to spautler@rvaf.com. We accept Medicare and most insurances in Florida. Please include contact information (including phone number) in the email. We are unable to provide consultation for those living outside the state of Florida with the exception of limited one-time consultations with residents of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, and Washington.
Tampa Stroke Centers:
Adventist Hospital Emergency Department
3100 East Fletcher Avenue
Tampa, FL 33613
(813) 971-6000
St. Joseph’s Hospital Emergency Department
3001 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Tampa, FL 33607
(813) 870-4000
Tampa General Hospital Emergency Department
1 Tampa General Circle
Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 844-7000
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