What is the retina?
The retina is a “tissue-paper” thin layer of nerve tissue, which lines the inside of the eye like the film in a camera. In the eye, light is focused onto the retina, which “takes the picture” and sends the image to the brain.
What is retinal detachment?
When the retina detaches, it is no longer in proper position inside the eye. Instead, it is like film that has unrolled inside a camera. When this occurs, a camera cannot take a picture. Similarly, when the retina detaches the eye loses vision.

What causes retinal detachment?
Retinal breaks (holes and tears in the retina) cause retinal detachment. These retinal breaks are usually caused by a degeneration of the vitreous (the clear gel that fills the eye and normally helps to hold the retina in place). Vitreous degeneration is common in aging and near-sightedness, but may also follow a direct blow to the eye, hemorrhage, infection, or inflammation inside the eye. When the vitreous degenerates and condenses, it pulls on the retina and may cause retinal tears, which often lead to retinal detachment.
What are the symptoms of retinal detachment?
Prior to retinal detachment, most people notice warning signs such as new floating spots or “cobwebs” in the vision. Sometimes, brief lightning-like flashes of light are seen in the side vision. These are the symptoms of vitreous degeneration and retinal breaks. The retinal detachment that follows usually causes a dark “curtain” or “shadow” to form in the side-vision. The “shadow” often comes from below and on the side near the nose. If it is not treated, the shadow gradually covers all of the vision resulting in blindness. There is generally no pain with retinal detachment.
How is retinal detachment treated?
The treatment of most retinal detachments requires surgery. Your doctor is skilled in a number of techniques to prevent blindness. Which type of surgery is recommended depends on the precise findings on examination. Surgery is not usually aimed at eliminating flashes and floaters. Flashes usually disappear in a few weeks or months. The floaters gradually fade over many months, but rarely disappear completely. Some retinal detachments that do not cause symptoms may be observed without initial surgery.
Laser/Cryopexy demarcation: Small areas of the retinal detachment (especially before any side vision has been lost) can sometimes be treated with laser or cryopexy to “seal down” the retinal along the edges of the detachment in an effort to prevent it from extending further. This surgery is performed in the office. If it is not successful in stopping the detachment, more extensive surgery is required.
Pneumatic retinopexy: Many retinal detachments can be repaired by this surgery performed in the office by anesthetizing the eye, sealing the break(s) with laser or a freezing probe (cryopexy), and pushing the retina into proper position with a gas bubble which is injected into the eye. Although this procedure is successful most of the time, it requires the strict cooperation of the patient to remain in proper head position for about five days. If this procedure fails, more extensive surgery in the hospital operating room is sometimes needed.
Scleral buckle surgery: Some retinal detachments require the placement of a permanent plastic supporting belt around the eye to create a “ledge of support” for the retina. This is a major surgery in which a belt is placed around the eye in the hospital operating room. The eye is often rendered more near sighted by this procedure. Rarely, permanent side effects include double vision. If this surgery is not successful, vitrectomy surgery may be recommended. Scleral buckle surgery is preferred over other methods of surgery if the retinal breaks are located in the inferior (bottom portion) of the retina, where gas bubbles may not be effective in holding the retinal in position. Scleral buckle is also preferred over vitrectomy in eyes with a clear lens, because vitrectomy surgery usually results in cataract formation. Scleral buckle surgery is often used when other attempts at surgery have failed.
The video below demonstrates scleral buckle surgery. If you are uncomfortable watching surgery, please do not click on this video:
Vitrectomy surgery: Performed in the hospital operating room as a major eye surgery, vitrectomy surgery involves making small incisions into the eye to remove floaters, dissect scar tissue, remove fluid from under the retina, apply laser, and place a gas bubble or silicone oil into the eye to hold the retina in place. Specific head positioning is sometimes needed. Sometimes a cataract or lens implant must be removed to adequately repair the retina. This surgery may be repeated if necessary to prevent blindness.
The video below demonstrates vitrectomy surgery. If you are uncomfortable watching surgery, please do not click on this video:
With one or more surgeries most retinal detachments can be repaired keeping useful vision. Vision may not return to normal, as there may be some permanent damage from the retinal detachment resulting in blurred or distorted vision. In some cases additional surgery is needed to removed scar tissue that forms after retinal reattachment surgery. There are always risks to surgery including hemorrhage, infection, scarring, glaucoma, cataract, double vision, deformity, loss of vision/loss of the eye. Sometimes despite all efforts with surgery, all vision may be lost. Surgery is recommended for retinal detachments because blindness usually results if treatment is withheld. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask your doctor.
For a telemedicine consultation with Dr Pautler, please send email request to spautler@rvaf.com. We accept Medicare and most insurances in Florida. Please include contact information (including phone number) in the email. We are unable to provide consultation for those living outside the state of Florida with the exception of limited one-time consultations with residents of the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, and Washington.
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