Posterior Capsular Opacity (secondary cataract)

Cataract is a foggy lens inside the eye (click image to enlarge)


Opacity of the posterior capsule after cataract surgery (Click to enlarge)

What is posterior capsular opacity (PCO)?

Posterior capsular opacity is a common condition in which the posterior capsule becomes hazy after cataract surgery. The posterior capsule is the clear layer of tissue that supports the intraocular lens, which is implanted into the eye at the time of cataract surgery. Over time after cataract surgery, the posterior capsule may lose its clarity.

What causes posterior capsular opacity?

The posterior capsule becomes opaque because of an abnormal growth of hazy tissue, like scar tissue, grows over the clear posterior capsule. These cells are remnants of cells from the cataract. Research is underway to determine what might be done to prevent PCO from developing.

What are the symptoms of posterior capsular opacity?

The symptoms of PCO are very similar to symptoms from cataract: blurred, cloudy, hazy vision with or without glare from oncoming lights, especially at night. These symptoms usually develop slowly, although sometimes the problem is discovered suddenly if the other eye is a clear seeing eye. In these cases, the clear eye is covered and the cloudy vision is discovered in the eye with PCO.

How is posterior capsular opacity treated?

If the vision is good and the symptoms are mild, no treatment is needed and the PCO will not harm the eye. If improvement in vision is needed, YAG laser can be performed in a brief, pain-free treatment to open the posterior capsule to allow for improvement in vision. If the vision does not improve after YAG laser, a change in glasses may be needed or further examination of the eye may disclose other problems limiting visual return.

By Scott E. Pautler, MD

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