Does diet make a difference in eye health?
The simple answer is yes. While more research is needed, there is abundant evidence in the medical literature showing the effects of diet on general health of the body, as well as the health of the eyes. Specifically, a healthful diet appears to improve the outcome of patients with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, cataract, and dry eye disease.
What diet is recommended to improve eye health?
Diets mainly composed of vegetables, legumes, fruits, and nuts are recommended. Among vegetables, include leafy greens. In general, select fruits and vegetables with different colors for a variety of carotenoids (antioxidants). Lean poultry and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are preferred over red meat. For cooking, olive oil is preferred over other oils. Consider, one serving of alcohol (preferably, red wine) per day…avoid over indulgence. Hydration is important. Drink plenty of water throughout the day (3-4 quarts, depending on your size).
In general, avoid manufactured/processed foods. These are foods that have been altered from their original form in preparation for consumption. Examples of processed or ultra-processed foods include sweetened breakfast cereals, soda, flavored potato chips, flavored candy. The longer the ingredient list, the greater the processing (and, generally, the less healthful).
What other lifestyle changes offer protection against eye disease?
Over the years, mounting evidence shows that lifestyle changes are helpful to limit the risk of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataract. For example, tobacco and nicotine exposure appear to worsen macular degeneration. On the other hand, exercise appears to lessen the risk of vision loss from AMD. Try to walk 20 minutes a day for starters. Later, try to add some light weight-bearing exercises with dumbbells. Finally, there is marginal evidence to recommend protecting your eyes from excess sunlight. Wear a hat and sunglasses if outdoors for several hours. Sleep is important to health. Aim for 8 hours of sleep per night.
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